SIPAC to Host Series of Global Compliance Training Events Across China

Robert Lewis, Chairman of the Sino International Professional Advisory Council (SIPAC), recently announced that SIPAC will be promoting a series of global compliance training events in China together with the East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL) and other local partners.
The main training event, the Global Compliance Management Master Class, will be held in Hangzhou on 19-21 July and will include training sessions conducted by top lawyers from Willkie Farr & Gallagher (USA), Peters & Peters (UK), Anderson Mori & Tomotsune (Japan), Khaitan & Co. (India), ALRUD (Russia), BUREN (Netherlands) and Chinese Red Circle firms Zhong Lun, Fangda, Haiwen and JunHe as well as senior professionals from the leading global risk consultancy firm Control Risks. SIPAC Chairman Robert Lewis will moderate the training.
Topics to be addressed in the in-person July training will include practical skills for managing compliance risks arising from
- international sanctions and export controls generally and semiconductor technology restrictions specifically
- AI regulation in the US/EU and China
- antibribery and business crime legislation in the UK/EU and China
- data protection regulations in China and the US/EU
- the impact of trade and investment restrictions
This three-day training program will be in-depth and interactive. Targeted participants include senior compliance managers in leading Chinese companies as well as experienced cross-border lawyers in top Chinese law firms. Attendees will come away with comprehensive understanding of a comparative analysis of the relevant Western and Chinese regulatory schemes, primary and secondary reference materials, case study examples and practical guidance on how to manage related risks.
Additional half-day online/offline training events will be held in Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen in advance of the Hangzhou in-person training over the course of June and early July. Topics to be covered in these events are currently slated to include:

Shanghai session (June 8)
- How may US election impact compliance risks for Chinese companies?
- Navigating the Global Sanctions Landscape in 2024
- How Chinese companies can reduce compliance risks
- Managing supply chain DD under German regulations
- Trends and risks under Chinese white collar criminal laws

Beijing session (June 22)
- Can TikTok win its case against the US government and prevent divestiture?
- Update on China’s anti-sanctions laws – can China effectively block US/EU sanctions?
- Trends in targeting by the West and what Global South companies can do to stay on the right side of the line
- Managing cybersecurity risks in China and abroad
- Trends in ESG compliance for Chinese companies

Shenzhen session (July 6)
- Managing compliance risks in international contracts in the context of conflicting legal requirements
- How Greater Bay Area integration will impact compliance risk management
- Best practices for managing cross-border labor law compliance
- How to deal with foreign investment restrictions around the world
- Managing international legal disputes
Presenters in these advance sessions will include senior lawyers from the firms listed above in respect of the three-day Hangzhou training program plus other senior professionals from other SIPAC member firms HEUKING and GZG, as well as top Chinese firms King & Wood Mallesons (Shenzhen), Chance Bridge (Beijing) and Sundial (Shenzhen).
SIPAC Chairman Robert Lewis commented:
“We are honored to be able to once again work with East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL) and Lan Qi Legal Consulting Co., Ltd. Last year we jointly launched the NextGen Lawyers online international legal skills training program, which was universally acclaimed by the participants, the great majority of whom were senior lawyers from top in-house law departments and law firms across China.
This year, we are building on that strong foundation by offering this in-person Global Compliance Management Master Class and the related series of advance events with the support of many of our SIPAC members and friends from around the world and in China. These training events highlight SIPAC’s unique mission and value proposition – we provide Chinese lawyers engaged in cross-border legal work access to the full range of international-standard resources so that Chinese companies can conduct business overseas with confidence, at each stage supported by trusted professional advisors.
We are confident that quality of this training series sets a new benchmark in China, and we anticipate that this will become an annual fixture as Chinese companies and their legal counsel seek to develop their capabilities to navigate the evolving geopolitical landscape.”
About SIPAC:
SIPAC was formally launched in March of 2023 and held its inaugural Sino-International Law Forum in Shanghai in November 2023, attended by nearly 250 leading lawyers from around the world and across China, including more than 40 foreign lawyers from leading independent law firms covering more than 50 jurisdictions around the world, nearly 100 senior in-house legal and compliance professionals from leading Chinese companies, and more than 100 lawyers from leading Red Circle law firms as well as lawyers included on the Ministry of Justice’s list of top 1000 cross-border lawyers in China. Given the unique nature of the event, attendance at the upcoming 2024 Sino International Law Forum, to be held in Shanghai on 14-15 November, is expected to increase as much as two-fold.
SIPAC and its comprehensive ecosystem of channel partners, including key quasi-governmental in-house counsel associations and leading outbound investment think tanks, legal know-how publishers and legal training platforms, are uniquely positioned to help promote the development of China’s international legal infrastructure, a key initiative promulgated at all levels of the Chinese government. As such, SIPAC is designed to address the entire China legal services market, including all in-house lawyers responsible for international legal affairs as well as lawyers in Chinese law firms engaged in cross-border legal matters on behalf of their Chinese clients.
SIPAC members currently include Tilleke & Gibbins, Al Tamimi & Company, Schellenberg Wittmer, HEUKING, ENS, Anderson Mori & Tomotsune, Marval O’Farrell Mairal, Moroğlu Arseven, Cruz Marcelo & Tenefrancia, Waselius, Carey, GZG, Soemadipradja & Taher, Peters & Peters, BUREN, and Lakatos, Köves and Partners, with numerous additional leading independent law firms expected to join as members and delegates at this year’s second annual Sino International Law Forum.

For more information, please contact SIPAC Chairman Robert Lewis.
Mobile: +86 1380 116 4471
WeChat: RobertDLewis